Lutheran Day depends upon those funds to continue our ministry of affordable childcare and quality early childhood education. We were informed that funding would be eliminated for the months of July and August--a loss of over $40,000! As a result, we were forced to lay off two of our preschool teachers whose positions were funded directly by PFA.
In addition, almost 30% of our families depend upon 'Action For Children' to help with their childcare costs. Even our affordable rates are more than these families can pay due to their household size and income forcing them to make difficult choices that impact their children's well-being.
We called our families and our supporting individuals and churches to prayer and action. And GOD IS ANSWERING YOUR PRAYERS ON OUR BEHALF! Though no budget has been passed, we were notified by the Chicago Board of Education that some of the funds would be restored to us to continue our important educational work. As of July 20, our PFA teachers will be able to return to their jobs.
And our supporters have once again demonstrated their commitment to our ministry through generous and sacrificial gifts. As of July 10, we had received almost $4,000 in gifts to help us weather this funding crisis. Thank you! We are trusting God for the rest of our needs.
Continue to pray for Lutheran Day. Contact your Illinois legislators and remind them of their moral obligation to care for those who are most vulnerable--the poor and the children. Consider giving a donation to Lutheran Day to help us through this unprecedented crisis.
Gifts can be sent to Lutheran Day Nursery, 1802 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago, IL 60647
Thank you for your continued support.