Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving at Lutheran Day

Thanksgiving is always a special time at Lutheran Day.  Children and parents enjoyed turkey and all the trimmings together at our annual Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday, November 19.  Throughout the month, classrooms were busy with Pilgrim and Indian crafts and tasting special foods.

Our room of 4 and 5 year olds made Native American headbands using patterns of feathers and they wore Pilgrim hats at their own classroom Thanksgiving.  They made butter from whipping cream and tasted cranberries, tangerines, apples and turkey.  And they had to stand to eat just like Pilgrim children in the 1600's.  Children were surprised to hear there were no bathrooms and the pilgrims had to go to the rivers to get water.

Room 4 also collected 35 cans of soup and food for the poor.  In December the children will make snowmen with socks to distribute to senior citizens at Lexington Health Care Center.