Monday, January 23, 2012

A Sad Ending for Hull House

Hull House, founded by Nobel Prize-winning social worker Jane Addams 122 years ago, has declared bankruptcy and will be closing its doors in spring 2012. The venerable institution was not receiving enough private donations to off-set the cuts in state funding for its programs and services for children and families.

The closure of Hull House highlights the struggles that many not-for-profit agencies are facing with regards to finances. State funds are being cut or eliminated and private donations have dwindled. Foundation grants have become increasingly competitive and limited. The result: cutbacks of services or closure.

Lutheran Day Nursery has also suffered as a result of cuts in state funding. We are so grateful for the donations we receive from churches and individuals, but we also have experienced a decline in our support base. While closure in not in our future, we are increasingly faced with difficult decisions about staffing and programs. Please consider increasing your support for our programs in 2012. You can make an online donation at our website: Thank you.

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